If you have pets, you should have a pet first aid kit.
- Pet ID information
- Leash
- Muzzle
- Roller gauze
- 2×2, 4×4 sterile gauze pads
- 1″ adhesive tape roll
- Elastic bandage roll
- Two triangular bandages
- Cotton swabs
- Tongue depressor
- Tweezers
- Triple antibiotic ointment
- Saline solution
- Latex or Rubber gloves
- Large irrigation syringe
- Medicine dropper
- Pepto-Bismal
- Benadryl tablet
- Cold pack
- Space blanket
- Pet CPR barrier
- Purel hand cleaner
- Toilet paper tube or paper towel tube (some type of splinting material)
- Activated charcoal
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- First aid booket
- Pet Carrier (If you need to got to the vet)